Company Wind Up Process

Once a business sells (or stops trading) or a company sells its property (real estate), we recommend completing our company wind up process. This is important because otherwise IRD will continue to expect a tax return for each financial year (even if the company does...

Shareholder Current Accounts

It’s common to think of ourselves and our company as one entity. However, the company is a separate legal entity with its own limited liability. Shareholders often provide capital to the company for purchasing assets or funding working capital, and they may also...

Cash is NOT equal to profit

Have you ever been in a meeting with your accountant, hearing how much profit you’ve made and being congratulated on a lift in performance, but in the back of your mind you’re wondering where the cash is and how you’re going to make payroll tomorrow? Don’t worry,...

How to use forecasts and scenario-planning

For centuries, accounting was all about reviewing historic information – but that only told you about the past, not what was going to happen in the future. If you’re only looking back at past periods and historic numbers, this limits the insights you can achieve for...

6 Powerful Reasons To Watch Your Financial Reports

Making time to look over your financial reports each month is an important task for any business owner. If you are not taking time to do this, either because you’re too busy, or perhaps you don’t really understand what you’re looking at and it doesn’t make sense to...